Foxy Cleopatra
New member
Ischia99 said:So its not as artificial as Sweet and Low right?? Come one guys, I know you put something in that oatmeal in the beginning of your diet to get the oatmeal down better.. Confess!!!
Miss 24K did you take out the splenda 2-3 weeks out from your show??
Thanks for the insight all!!!
Sucralose is just as artificial as Sweet n Low. It is made from sugar but what they do to it to make it non-caloric makes it processed and dangerous. Try using 1/3c frozen blueberries. It's less than 40 calories, it's low GI, chock full of vitamins, and they are really yummy when you thaw them out and put them in oatmeal. That can bring you to one week out from show...