Hi Marc. Thanks for your question. It should be obvious that genetics and hard work equates with different results. I happen to grow well using Walmart creatine and have good genetics, apparently. That being said, there are people like Dimitry Klokov who has even better genetics than I do. It obvious though that Dimitry has worked very hard for all the strength and coordination he has in the olympic lifts. In all endeavors there are always people better or worse than you. It is best to look at what you are doing and see how you can improve on this goal both for short and long term safety. I strongly agree on the comments to use compound heavy movements. Keep in mind that there are genetic limits to how much you will grow if you are natural. Given that most people dont depend on how much they lift or how big they are for monetary purposes(some do though) there should be zero temptation to deal with the hassle and health consequences of steroids. There was a time in my late teens, early 20's when steroids to me wouldve been justifiable. I still think it would be interesting to try roids and see what would happen however the possibility of gynecomastia to me is way too much of a deterrent to messing around with biofeedback loops in the body. Just isnt worth it. My advice to you is to get some cheap supplements(again Walmart creatine works, to all the haters) so you dont have to get a second job just to fund the ceo a holes that overprice their supplements just because with zero actual evidence based studies that their more expensive creatine actually works better than the generic walmart type. Then lift heavy, rest a couple minutes between sets, keep the volume reasonable with training time not to exceed 45 minutes. And above all, have fun with the lifting, enjoyment is what it is about.