Not yet....maybe never....
HansNZ said:
I think people have to think twice when they say they can't "afford" to save.
....My friend is in a well paying job, no kids, but tells me he can't "afford" to save for a house
Well, you can reference
this thread to see my reply, but I'm 35 and have an $80K monkey on my back for all my education taken to ensure I'd get a good paying job.
The US economy has taken an utter dump. I can't afford to even pay the interest on that $80K monkey, and the prospects of any job paying even near $30K/year is about nil to none for the forseeable future.
I'm already at an age where you get age-discrimination for jobs....especially entry-level at good-paying companies. So, I have to figure out some business I can run that will definitely produce big bucks or expect to die poor.
I had a nest egg of $12K. It doubled before the 2000 election. Since then (and 9/11) it went to less than $11K. After finishing school, I was forced to cash most all of it in to subsidize living expenses. So, all I have is about $3,300 in a Roth IRA that's still loosing money.
I don't live large. I'm in a rented single-wide pre-fab house in a place that is mostly populated by low-income/welfare types. It's in the country, so it's not that seedy, but still....I thought things would be better than this when I reached my mid-30's.
I'm not unhappy, per se. I don't need a lot to be content, but the idea of retirement is just not going to happen. I'd have to make enough money to pay off a comfortable home and my student loans before I reach 50 because I don't know how much longer after that I will be able to work....and 65-70 is the general life expectancy of men in my family. Then, how do I save for the future??? House payment and student loan payments will be over $1,000/mth. Factor in life of any value worth living and taxes, I'd have to make $40K/year at least....and I think those days are long gone for most Americans.