Georgia Irish
New member
I have lost a lot of weight the last nine months and everyone asks me, How are you dieting? Well I tell them first I weighed 311 pounds on December 11, which I did, I was a fat lazy firefighter, no excuses. Well I joined a gym and decided to make a change in my life. I tell them I have been lifting weights for over the last nine months, which I have never done before, I am drinking appx, 1 and half gallons of water a day and only water, No fried food. I read labels, just cause a product says fatfree does not mean it does not have sugar in it. I read how much saturated fat in food, how much sugar, how much salt, how many carbohydrates. and I do lost of cardio. I dont really diet I watch what i eat, I dont eat before I exercise in the morning and I dont eat after 530 at night and I also do lots of cardio, Well I now weigh 223 pounds and I still want to lose 20 more lbs. Any suggestions, That is the fat that is still around my abs and obliques. Thanks for any info. My guess is to increase my cardio more then the hour I do now. Sorry I am not ready to eat those five meals a day either, I cut it off at 530. Take care and thanks