No. Simple carbs like sugar are essential to bodybuilders but they need to be taken at the right time. You want to take in simple carbs when your glycogen levels are at their lowest. The best time to take simple carbs would be after workout. After intense training your glycogen levels are depleted and you need to restore them. If you dont replenish your glycogen stores than your cortisol levels will go thru the roof and your body will go into a catobolic state and start breaking down your muscle tissue to convert it to glycogen.
Simple carbs need to be controled. There are two types of sugars, fructose and glucose. Glucose is the fastest form of carbohydrate to be converted to glycogen. Glucose is readily converted to glycogen while fructose has to go thu the liver first in order to be converted to glycogen. If your liver glycogen levels are full then fructose will get stored as bodyfat. With glucose, if your muscle glycogen levels are full and you dont use it for energy than it will be converted to bodyfat.
All you need to do is learn when to eat the sugars and you will be fine. If you are not sure just ask, Ill be happy to let you know.