I really like mushrooms, but I am not sure if they would fit well into my diet for cutting. I am trying to lose weight now, and I have said no to sweets and bread like foods. Should I do the same with mushrooms?
Mushrooms as such are in fact a very healthy and nice food to eat – they are basically protein, so mushrooms are as clean as it gets with foods. However, from there on it depends on how they are cooked. If you do not fry them, or something like that – it is ok.
As per usual it's not a single food that is an issue (although as per Lev's reply how you cook them is important) but your WHOLE diet and Calorific intake which counts. If you spent the whole day eating fried mushrooms you'd have a problem.
mushrooms are super dense with nutrients, including having more copper, potassium, protein and selenium than either oyster or shiitake mushrooms. They're also a good source of phosphorus, zinc, niacin and pantothenic acid
Mushrooms are very low calorie and great to include in a diet program. They add a lot of bulk to your plate with very little calories. I really like the taste of them as well.
I actually eat them raw. I dip them in mustard. It sounds weird but give it a try!