New member
Started my first anavar cycle 2 weeks ago. Before starting, I had weight trained pretty seriously for the last 3-4 years, and competed very successfully as a natty during those years. feel i had reached my genetic potential. Currently taking 10mg/day, havnt really experienced any sides except my normally bad skin has gotten slightly worse. My diet is squeaky clean, and is a at maintenance levels currently, however i eat as strict/clean as if i were prepping. Have felt great strength gains during training, and been smashing PB's left right and centre I weight train 6 days a week, with one day of active recovery. I train legs 3x a week and everything else, falls into place around that.. I have noticed some pretty decent muscle hardening, and i feel i have filled out a bit as well, however the scales is saying i have gained 2kgs in the last 2 weeks... there is no chance this could all be muscle.. could it..? My question is, how much weight gain should a hard-training, hard dieting girl expect on her first cycle? I dont think it could possibly be water bloating, cos my abs have reappeared since starting the cycle.. so does anyone have any explanation for this? thanks in advance