O.K....Mr. Fucking Science here....
Pheremones WON'T work. Reason being that Pheremones are very short lived in the air. Your body produced them in your sweat and they don't last more than a few minutes. Therefore, trying to bottle the stuff is amusing at best. Either that or walk around aroused all the time - then your pheremones will be produced and you'll be giving them off. Good luck walking around 24/7 in an aroused mode though.
The best we can hope for is a synthetic copy of pheremones that would either mirror, or mimick the real stuff. Even then, have you ever noticed how some chicks just naturally smell great, and others don't? It's because YOU are attracted to HER pheremones, the next guy might very well be repelled. It's not like there's just "ONE" kind of pheremone, or one kind of mix of them that does the magic trick.
Say we could re-create them. What if all you do is attract fat chicks? or other men?
Trust me.