Oh my god!!! this is the scariest thing. It fucked me up the first time. Is there anyone that would know the reason for this. I poked 100mgs in the glute. I coughed forever, and i couldnt breathe.
Oh my god!!! this is the scariest thing. It fucked me up the first time. Is there anyone that would know the reason for this. I poked 100mgs in the glute. I coughed forever, and i couldnt breathe.
That's the reason I don't use Fina anymore. I was getting cough approximately every 3rd injection, terrible, cold sweat, feeling sick for 10-15 min.
I love results from Fina, so may be, after some time, when I forget about coughing I'll go back to it.
IMO, it has something to do with Fina itself, but I don't think anyone knows why does it happen and how harmful it is, if it is.
I'm curious about the brand of kits everyone was using and if that impacts if for some odd reason. I used Mr T's and never experienced one cough or funny taste the entire cycle?
I've used the premade whioch was done with animals kits, finakits, and chemripped kits...I've also used the finaplix gold by valopharm and the ttokkyo trembol...It has to be the fina, not the kit or the brand...
I have used Gac and RSOC's Humatren and there are no coughing side effects. Of course, these are made from tren powder and not with a pellet kit.
I think it is probably impurities in the pellets or the kits that are the problem. I think I will pay the extra 75$ for peace of mind and no strange side effects.