Just 1 thought to start - "my bf suggested the anavar but I'm not sure its going to do what I'm looking for" -- esp when dealing w/ controlled substances - research first, experiment later.
What is the anavar brand you are using & what doseage are you planning? Granted you can always just stop, but generally the rule of thumb is "Plan your cycle, cycle your plan."
As BG said, the best way to beef up is to eat & train. I don't know what sort of shake you use, but you might want to toss one of the shakes and replace it w/ some more real food. Another question is what is your fat source? You might want to throw in some lean steak every now & then and some flax oil, maybe mix it in w/ the cream of wheat or the shake.
Also how long have you been training & are you lifting w/ intensity?
In general I think you will find LOTS of information on some of the stickies at the top of this board and also spend some time doing a lot of research on var. Seach on "anavar" on the women's board. One catch, esp if taking AS suggestions from a guy, do your own research because what's good for him isn't necessarily good for you. Understand the possible impact it will have on your body. (e.g. bloat, zits, mood change/aggression, change in menstrual cycle, etc.) I'm not saying you will experience all of these, but they are all possble because AS response is all very individual for us gals.
Hope this helps.