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Any cyclist on here?


New member
Are there any other cyclist on this board? I would like to know what you use and during what part of the season.

Mario Cippolini-not only the best looking cyclist, but the fastest!!

Great to see another cyclist on the boards. I am looking into all kinds of good stuff. You ca email me and we'll talk more. I use whey protein, glutamine, creatine, BCAAs. I also use Endurox R4 after races and hard rides and Extran during races and long hard training rides. I use Enervit packets and I like Balance bars for solid food.

I am looking into some other stuff as well. All the above stuff has helped a lot. I am going to hit the weights and bike hard this offseason. Glutamine has really helped to recover from hard lifting sessions. Are you going to the BMC race on 9/16? I guess Mario himself will be there w/Saeco.

Yes I was so pumped when I found out he was coming. We also have a few composite teams of some local cat 1 riders that got invited to the race and all those guys are ready to go up against "super mario".

Im about to do a cycle of clen and t3 with a little winny to try and get my weight down. Currently im 5'9 185 I would like to get down to 175 and still have some good muscle definition. What are you thinking of trying? I know oxymethalone (anadrol) will build up those red blood cells but you would have to use a good anti estrogen to avoid all the weight gain. I have heard that some cyclist in Belgiam use it with aminogluthamine. Probably before EPO (I wouldn't even think of touching the stuff).

I would like to find something that would get my strength up and help with endurance without causing too much weight gain. Let me know what you think.

Cool. I have been looking for a bro to discuss my supplementation with. What Cat are you? I am a cat 1 so I have to be careful about what I take. I will probably do Redlands or Sea Otter and some other NRC stuff so I have to make sure I am clean especially if the UCI vampires show up!!

T3 and Clen will definitely help burn off any excess fat you have. Just be careful-don't use that stuff and workout in that Texas heat. I get overheated when I use a bunch of ephedra for races. If you combine those (T3 and Clen) with long days on the bike you'll get pretty lean. I am 6' and 155lbs-I'm pretty much all legs. Do you race on the track? I don't need to lose much weight, but if I can get down to 140-145 and keep my strength I'll be flying.

I've heard anavar (Oxandrolone) is a great AAS and it has few sides (no gyno and easy on liver, skin, hair). Anavar is great for strength w/o a lot of weight gain. I also heard it will stimulate red blod cell production. They say to cycle up to 40-75mg a day (like anything up to 8 weeks) depending on what you want to get out of it. It was designed for kids and women. There are also veterinary versions available. My sisters dog has a prescription for winny (oral), 2mg tabs. I was thinking about helping myself to some of that, but thats a lot of tabs in one day! Aminogluthamine-isn't that a cancer therapy drug?-Oh yeah it is a breast caner anti-estrogen!

I am looking at trying so transdermal andros combined w/high doses of oral andros. I'll see how this goes and then think about trying an AAS. Since I am not looking to get huge I figured andros would be a good starting block. I have already designed a nice cycle. I'll use them while I am weight training and putting in the big miles. Hopefully they'll help with my recovery. I have a pretty ambitious riding schedule planned for the winter (I'm in Southern California) and I'll need all the therapuic/recovery aids I can get! I was thinking about using some anavar, but I am gun shy of getting popped at nationals or a UCI event (I can only do a few, but those are the races you need drugs for). Also Anavar is expensive; an 8 week cycle would cost $450 bucks! I can go to Mexico and get stuff, but the border is touch and go. Sometimes they search everyone, sometimes you can sneak by. If I can find a good source and have some more cash I'll try and hook something up. I want to have a killer season next year and I know I'll need all the help I can get.

I think there were a few guys out here in California jucing. One dude got super super ripped and started killing in the local races-he could do it all climb, sprint, TT. Granted he was training 30hrs/week, but he was seemingly invincible. I don't talk to anyone about the stuff I would like to use as the cycling community here is pretty "chatty". It sucks as it has been hard to find practical info for using AAS in our sport. Plus general supplementation info has been lacking. I have a few friends in Belgiumand I talk to them, but I don't want to ask them "What drugs are you taking"-If they want to talk about they will, but I'm sure you know cycling communities tend to talk alot and the best way to keep a secret is not to tell anyone to begin with. You know that stigma that is now attached to doping. Nobody wants to talk about it because they don't want to be labelled a cheater, but many good riders are interested in trying that stuff. I'd try EPO and I think I can get a hold of it in Mexico. You just need to use the appropriate blood thinners with it and you'll be fine. I found a website that had all the EPO administration info you'll ever need. EPO is expensive as well.

All right man lets stay in touch here. I hit all these boards on a daily basis so post regularly. You can email me anytime too.

I dont know if any of the oral andro's will do you much good. I have tried a transdermal product (medlean). It seemed to help a little with recovery and I felt a little stronger. I was also thinking of using anavar during the season. I have also heard that equipose stacked with either winny or anavar would be great for strength without causing to much weight gain. Let me know how it goes whatever you decide to do. If you need help with some sources shoot me a PM. The "chinese" anavar tabs are 10 mg and very affordable.

I race both mtb and road. Im expert mtb and cat 3 road. I like to do some of the NORBA nats but the altitude kills me and I havn't done as well as I could have.

Looks like I'm moving back to Boulder in Feb. So I'll be screwed for a few months aclimatizing to altitude again! My fiancee is returning to school at CU. This is cool cause I loved the racing there, lots more road races. There are way too many boring industrial park crits here in Southern California. I did a few and got bored with them-I'd rather train than do crappy races. I am looking forward to some mountain bike racing there too. However I started doing a lot of duathlons and triathlons out here and loved it (it was a nice change as I've been racing since I was 12). There are tons of multisport events out here and in CO they are kinda limited. At least I'll be in Cali thru Feb so I'll get some good training in.

I race road as well. I don't post here much though, I'm usually on the bolex board. I've tried some different things for cycling performance. Clen and t3 is good for weight loss. You can use this with anavar to maintain strength and muscle. I've tried eq and winny together. I found winny gave me bad muscle cramping and stiffness. Not something you want for cycling. Taurine works pretty good for my cramping. Everyone reacts different though so your side effects might be non existent. Eq makes me ravenously hungry which is not good because I'm generally hungry all the time anyway. If your counting calories it can get difficult not to eat a lot. It's hard to say how much it actually help my performance really though. I used test propionate with nolvadex but still gained a lot of water weight. If I use test again it will be with arimedex! Test prop made me feel stronger. My recovery was quicker but the water sucked. Kenalog 40 or kenacort ( triamcinilone) is something I've used as well. It's a long acting cortisone which is used a lot in pro cycling. Cortisone used intramuscularily has an antiinflammatory effect and hinders the onset of pain and soreness. It also helps your body use protein as an energy source. The drawback is it will eat up your muscles and screw up your thyroid if used a lot. Bodybuilers hate it. In cycling for stage races and long events it works great. No wonder so many cyclists have it on their medical papers for so called legal medical use. Just use it sparingly. It's easily attainable at drug stores in Russia. Email me if you have some questions always good to share with other cyclists anonymously :)
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hey folks new to the board as of today (sept 2). But do love road biking. Perosonally I train for tri's so long distances arent normally my thing. But I hope to complete a century ride by the end of the year.glad other riders are on here, may need some good advice

Cipo, whats up. I am a cyclist w/ AAS experience. I can definitely help you get the weight down, and power up.

I really wouldn't recomend T3 or clen for an endurance athlete. that shit will kill your endurance and consequently give you a terrible base for next season. Eq would ne a wise choice in AAS. don't get fooled into doing B/B doses though. 200-300mg/wk will work great.

whats your current BF%?
how tall are you?
how many miles a week do you ride?
how much sleep do you get?
whats your post workout meal?
do you lift weights?
if so, what are you doing?
are you using a heart-rate monitor?

I know houston pretty well, so your weak point is? let me guess. climbing.

You can shoot me an e-mail
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