When you get down to the last weeks you'll lose a little - but if you keep adjusting your protein to sustain muscle and like Shadow said - make sure you are getting enough carbs to support your energy needs so you don't start to catabolize muscle you should be ok.
Miss24K, Given that I'm naturally ectomorphic I tend to lean out really fast I wish I could go up in LBM with twice cardio a day I'm still 8 weeks out, so I'm just making some research to take preventive measures if necessary.
Sassy, thanks a lot for your advice. So in the meantime it is just a matter of adjusting protein? that meaning going up?
yep - If you are gettign regular bodyfat measures you can determine if you are losing muscle. I've seen both upper carbs & upping fats depending on how you tend to respond w/ bodyfat increase / decrease - that gets a little hard to explain but I've seen girls who can fat load and increase muscle mass / drop bodyfat - I just bloat up.
But if you have say 3 day intervals on your bodyfat measures & also look at the individual pinch measures - you can get a feel for how you respond to changes in your diet. If you are losing muscle mass, up the protein some.