Volkron Pussy Dilator™
New member
Like, for instance, you should NEVER EVER EVER EVER MIX Poppers and viagra. We know that much. Both drugs do the same thing, so you could knock yourself out cold, or even die. It has happened to people, so don't do it.
I've also heard that GHB is pretty dangerous by itself, but even more risky when you combine it with something else. Someone who loves using G told me once that as long as you don't mix it with anything, there is less potential to knock you out or damage your body. I know that for lots of people who take it, there 's a risk of lapsing into a coma, right?
Crystal Meth is highly addictive. I tried it once, and coming down off of it was yucky. Plus, the Dilator was pretty much out of commission-- I couldn't get hard! Hello, you call that a sex-enhancing drug? Shit what a waste or a really horrible day after detox.
Drugs are cool, but there's such a downside to them, and I 'd hate to die, so I'm pretty respectful of the harm they could unleash. What do all of you think of the dangers and risks associated?
I've also heard that GHB is pretty dangerous by itself, but even more risky when you combine it with something else. Someone who loves using G told me once that as long as you don't mix it with anything, there is less potential to knock you out or damage your body. I know that for lots of people who take it, there 's a risk of lapsing into a coma, right?
Crystal Meth is highly addictive. I tried it once, and coming down off of it was yucky. Plus, the Dilator was pretty much out of commission-- I couldn't get hard! Hello, you call that a sex-enhancing drug? Shit what a waste or a really horrible day after detox.
Drugs are cool, but there's such a downside to them, and I 'd hate to die, so I'm pretty respectful of the harm they could unleash. What do all of you think of the dangers and risks associated?