My most trusted advisor likened this to hunting big game with a BB gun but I managed to get an appt. with the only good doctor in my area last week (was coughing up blood) so he agreed to work me in. While I was there I told him that as I am getting older my sex drive is decreasing and orgasm is getting more difficult - basically I lied like a rug. And I told him I have a couple of girlfriends who's docs gave them androgel. He hadn't heard of it being used in women but told me if I wanted to be his test case he would be glad to give it to me (the way the conversation went I think maybe Mrs. Doc may be getting an androgel massage nightly). He had no idea of how much to use or where to put it - told me to ask my girlfriends what they were doing and let him know LOL. I did and now have the dosing and application.
I am going to use it along with Ox 10mg/d will go to 15mg/d at some point. I'll let everyone know what it does in terms of in the gym and in the bedroom.
Has anyone on here used it???
I am going to use it along with Ox 10mg/d will go to 15mg/d at some point. I'll let everyone know what it does in terms of in the gym and in the bedroom.
Has anyone on here used it???