I was going to do 3 weeks at 5mg ed and then up it to 10mg ed for another 9 weeks but was not concerned with the possible sides so I did 1 week at 5mg and then went to 10 mg. I am now considering the possibility of just not coming off so who knows how long this will go - I guess as long as the cash holds out. If you are a singer I would really keep an eye on the voice - I couldn't sing before and I definitely can't sing now! I can see the muscle gain but mostly in my arms, chest and back. I started the anavar after a 7 week bulking cycle with food and my bfp was over 20% so everything is still covered in a nice layer of fat so my abs are not showing. I have done nothing but eat and lift my ass off for 12 weeks, beginning monday I will add 4 60 min cardio sessions but keep my diet the same and use the topical yohimbine to start to get some of this fat off.