but it was only 1 part of that same post so just because it is part of it doesn't mean that's the only information -- also she hasn't been back to address the questions so I felt it fell under "beating the dead horse" category
I don't know you guys... She is only WALKING that doesn't seem like much cardio to me. But what do I know... I can't even get up the gumption to do my cardio in the morning.. though I am working on it...kinda sorta
I don't know you guys... She is only WALKING that doesn't seem like much cardio to me. But what do I know... I can't even get up the gumption to do my cardio in the morning.. though I am working on it...kinda sorta
I don't know you guys... She is only WALKING that doesn't seem like much cardio to me. But what do I know... I can't even get up the gumption to do my cardio in the morning.. though I am working on it...kinda sorta
1) if it is "only walking" - and assuming the walking is at an "easy pace" - she is wasting her time 110%. She would be burning minimal calories and wasting valuable workout time.
2) if she is "only walking" - and assuming walking is at a fast, hard pace - she is wasting her time 110%. She would be doing too much cardio. One hour a day everyday is absolutely unnecessary for MOST people IF their diet is tight and their weight training WELL PLANNED.
Two lose-lose situations in my mind. And NEITHER is a situation that needs the introduction of steroids.
Honestly, we need MUCH more info to really help this person, but details are limited here.