honestly, after reading everything there was about it, i don't think it would be a good idea.
she would know all the possible side effects, but it's a lot to risk.
i was just going to have a couple extra hundred anavar sitting around, and i thought it would be benificial, although not really needed.
I think she looks awesome, and even if she gained 50 lbs, i'd still be with her.
It's not like i thought it would really make her feel any better about herself, but i thought it might at least help her as far as playing goes and help her harden up.
she's perfectly fine with the way she is, she sees no reason to change, but she does get sort of sensitive when i tickle her sides or something, just like all girls do.
i think i'll just stick with the AS and try to get her on a clean diet. Since she's young, she can easily accomplish it with a clean diet.
Thanks for all the info, this really is an awesome forum