Hey all. Been trying to research into the whole steroid using and contemplating doing my first cycle of any. I'm a fan of keeping it simple, so I'm looking to do an Anavar only. Yes I know oral isn't the nicest way, but I hear of the orals Anavar seems to he the safest. I'm not competing or anything. Just want a cycle or two to get that bump up in size/strength/physique. So I'm thinking the following..
6 week cycle
Week 1: Anavar 25mg/day
Week 2-6: 50 or 75mg/day (I've read 50-80 is the sweet spot so I'm open to suggestions on the range).
PCT: I hear it's not extremely needed with Var, but that's not a chance I'll take. I've been hearing Nolva is preferred? Not sure what dosage though. I also hear Clomid is an option. Which is better? What dosage/time?
I would also invest in some Milk thistle powder and other vitamins etc. to help the liver. I've found in my research that the only drawback people seem to have from Var is test suppression/libido loss and that simple OTC test support during the cycle will help and the PCT will heal it almost immediately.
Also, if anyone has experience in brands etc to verify the legitimately of the labels i.e. 50mg tab is legit 50 mg would also be appreciated lol
Thanks in advanced.