right now, this is for me.... i've been debating on the idea of competing, and a lot of people have approached me lately asking...
i've always been saying that i will one day get up on the stage, but to be honest, i'm REALLY shy when it comes to that kinda stuff... i just don't know how i'd feel about having my body compared to other gals...
so, what do you guys think? am i 'contest' material? (i'm asking seriously, please feel free to critique objectively, but be constructive... )
i'm working on getting full physique pics taken in decent lighting when the wind blows right etc... but right now, you'll just have to judge on what i've posted thus far...
Phem -- wanted to add re: competition -- you should go check out a local show or two to see what its all about. You can check the NPC (National Physique Committee) website - http://www.getbig.com/info/npc.htm for regional schedules. They usually run through November and pick up again in March. Its a kick, but once you get into the non-tested shows, the competition gets pretty stiff because it adds the next level of not just balls-to-wall training/diet/dedication/competition prep, but also cycling "ability". Its a major kick to do it - not easy - but definitely a kick!
spatts, you're gorgeous even with the yellow flecks!!! I'd guess a lot of folks are using digital cameras rather than web cams, but I'm still stuck using a point and shoot and scanning them in....definitely not always the best for quality either! But jeez girl, you are a knockout...please do get a better cam!
i use my camcorders picture feature.... the pics are okay, but the lighting has to be just right... we have 8 foot high window in the loft, so i take my pics by natural light... that seems to be the best
last summer... but i look the same now... don't really want to leave it up, hope ya'll understand but it's just too weird a world out there... especially now that i got me a sheets thread and all hope ya don't mind...