New member
Started my first anavar cycle about 4 weeks ago. Before starting, I had weight trained pretty seriously for the last 3-4 years, and competed very successfully as a natty during those years. feel i had reached my genetic potential. Currently taking 10mg/day, havnt really experienced any sides except my normally bad skin has gotten slightly worse. My diet is squeaky clean, and is a at maintenance levels currently, however i eat as strict/clean as if i were prepping. Have felt great strength gains during training, and been smashing PB's left right and centre I weight train 6 days a week, with one day of active recovery. However, with this new found strength and ability to train a lot harder/longer i feel my body is struggling to keep up, and my recovery isnt fast enough, even with adequate sleep/food etc.. this last week i had to have 3 rest days as everything was too sore to train.. Been thinking of maybe stacking Ipamorelin on top of the Anavar for some added growth and faster recovery.. only in the early stages of thinking about it and just wanted to hear your guys thoughts/ideas, dosages or experiences? thanks