Re: ***Amplify02~~PureMCC~~G-covery***info and results
Today was a weird day. I woke up early and it was raining bad out. Flood warnings and thunder bolts had me feeling sleepy. I ate a good breakfast, waited 30minutes and took Amp. I became so tired that I laid down. I didn't set an alarm or anything but 30 minutes into my sleep I wake up in a hyped up mood. My eyes literally shot wide open and I wanted to get to the gym. I ate a small piece of fruit and took off.
I added 30lbs to my top pulldown weight from last week. After next week I'll have to start chaining weight to the stack again. I jumped up to 130lb dbs for one arm db rows from 120 last week. And I even added 5lbs to my deadlift when last week I had added 50lbs, so 5lbs is a great increase after last weeks display of strength. I have a feeling my deadlift will be in the 600lb range by the end of sept. Endurance was through the roof again. Sweating like a pig and moving fast but not losing an ounce of strength, incredible.
The laser like focus is getting sharper and sharper. An old trainer buddy of mine from the gym who I haven't seen in a long time said "hey long time no see" and he had to say it a second time because I didn't even notice he was there. All I could think about was getting 14 good reps with that 130lb db for one arm rows. All you can think about on Amplify02 is your weights, reps and sets, nothing else outside the gym matters. House payments, car note, credit cards, family issues and just general every day life bullshit is erased from one's mind, there is only the brief moment in time where you are throwing up big lifts, making progress and getting to be king of the hill for those 45minutes you get away from the world.
I am impressed at how easy this stack is making my 'comeback'. I am once again being asked daily what I am on, what I am eating and all the other little things that just make you feel good inside. I am putting off a weight check for another week. I have a feeling I'll be in for a good surprise. The Pure MCC is making me look incredibly full. I have a classic yet modern build. A Steve Reeves for a new era and my tiny joints and waist with full muscle bellies has never looked so good before. I'm just 'full' and round 24/7 with my vascularity increasing more and more. I have made no changes to my diet or supplements other than the Amplify02/Pure MCC stack. Omega I have to thank you for this, I am recommending Amplify stack left and right to people at the gym. I wish I could keep this my little secret but I want Amplify to be around for a lonnnnnnnnnng time to come.
I'll be getting G-covery as soon as I can to see even more results. I know how well Omega's peptides have worked for me in the past, I can't even imagine what will happen when it's combined with Amplify02 and Pure MCC. I am looking to get to 280lbs and keep my waist at 33 out of shape inches at 6'4 by January and adding the Amplify02 stack is the best thing I could have ever done. I was ready to give up but Amplify got me back into the trenches and put me back into fight mode. I owe you a million thanks Omega for putting out this formulation, it's truly unreal.