4 Wks on a long estered Test ... sorry to say Bro, but right about now those esters are only starting to kick in and will be running through and showing in your system for a good few weeks still. Taking into consideration what the half-lives are of the test ester you were running, it has accumalated in your blood and even if you stop cold turkey now ... it will take time ... probably more than what you have available, to stabilize within normal range. Also, going cold turkey now ... your shut down already, so some form of PCT (Unleashed, HCGenerate, Forma) would be required. Some people will argue that only 4 weeks on Test E does not warrant a PCT ... I beg to differ.
The half-life of both those components are pretty similiar ... 7 - 12 days. This means that, if you pinned 300mg Mon, then by next week Mon you will have 150mg left in your system. Then, being Mon, you pin another 300mg. Now you have 450mg in your system and by next week Mon that halves, so it's now 225mg. Being Mon, you pin another 300mg and the total in your system is now 525mg. Following Mon that has halved to 262.5mg and you pin another 300 and you now have 562.5mg in yours system, where you are now ... and so it keeps accumalating into your system untill you stop pinning and start PCT. At 562.5mg in your system currently, by next week you'll be down to 281.5mg, and the week after that down to 140.75, the next week 70.375 when you would start PCT to begin to assist your body in coping with the sudeen spike in Test earlier and now the sudden decline and prevent the estrogen build up to try and balance your body's hormonal system to affect you negatively.