You should determine, if you haven't already, whether you have a milk allergy or have lactose intollerance, as there is a difference. If it is a milk allergy then you can also have a reaction to casein based products. You should avoid the following food(s):
- butter
- casein
- caseinate (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron caseinates)
- cream
- cheese
- curds
- lactose
- lactalbumin
- lactoglobulin
- margarine w/milk derivatives
- milk (also buttermilk)
- milk solid
- whey
- whey powder
- yoghurt
If it is a milk allergy then you will expercince a skin reaction (hives), or respiratory, or gastrointestinal problems within minutes of consuming even small amounts of any of the above food(s).
If it is lactose intollerance that you are experiencing then you will be deficient of the enzyme lactase. You will experience any of the following: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, abdominal distension, gas. This will also depend on the amount of milk based products which you consume and your sensitivity. You can limit your intake of these milk based foods to control your tollerance levels or you can take
lactaid - click here to help you break down the lactose. If you are looking for a substitue for your whey protein shakes then you will be able to consume the following if it is lactose intollerance and not a milk allergy:
- products containing lactic acid, lactalbumin and/or lactate
- casein
- rice protein
- soy protein isolate
- egg protein
- some CFM Whey isolates
You will find some of these protein sources listed here:
Protein Factory