So I read pages 1-31 and ran out of time to keep going but i still have a couple quick questions.
What is s4 main job? burn fat?
whats mk 2866 main job?
whats gw main job?
what benifit does abuterol add to the stack and cycle?
Thanks for the help.
There is a ton of great information on this thread and as I get more time I will continue to read the rest of the pages i'm sure.
Found this on page 52 but if you have more to add then feel free but i'm thinking this pretty much answered it.
ostarine will help with strength and add some nice lean muscle... it also has healing properties that really helps with nagging injuries and overall recovery...
s4 is going to add a ton of muscle hardness and really lean you out... it will give great strength as well...
gw is going to give you a big increase in endurance and is used for weight loss...