Hey! Tanks for all the helpful information!
Has anybody the promo Code for researchsarms.co.uk?
I am from europe, so I can't buy it from uniquemicals.
It will be my first cycle ever. I never did steroids or prohormons bevore and I wanna give Sarms a chance, because I think the Risk/Benefit-ratio is the best!
I will order Ostarine and Andarine, but won't combine them in the first run, to see how I react to both single substances! So I will start taking Ostarine 4-5 weeks at 12,5-15mg per day. (I don't want to shut down my own test-production completely, and I don't want to have to do a PCT, so I think this dosage and duration is ok?)
Then I will do a pause of around 4 weeks to recuperate my sexual-hormon-axis (I hope this is enough?) and then start with S4-andarine, also for around 4-5 weeks at ~ 25-50mg per day.
I am 22, train for around 5 years or longer, 92kg at 1,90m. Bodyfat relatively low (gues under 10, the last time I checked it 2 years ago I had 6,2%; so I would say I'm ecto-meso, good for my abs, but bad for my chest, which I think is one of my weakest parts and I want to develop it more!)
The reasen why I never took roids is that I had acne in my youth and hate the possibility to get it again if I would try testo... and I am also afraid of the hair loss problem, because my training-partner got it from testo!
I'm sorry for this long post and for my bad english, I'm no native speaker!
Thank you very much for your kind advice and help!!!