Can you help me with my cycle? Here is the basic outline I have for the cycle: Osta: 25mg/day for 8 weeks HCGenerate: Not sure if I should use this. Still looking at information online. Some say you should use it in PCT but I completely disagree with that, especially on this cycle. I'm thinking that running Osta at this long will definitely cause some shutdown so what if around week 6 I threw in some HCGenerate? Liver support: I know SARMs doesn't mess with the liver as much but this is a decently long cycle. Might throw in some Milk Thistle. PCT: Clomid week 8-12: 5/25/25/25 Nolva week 8-12: 20/20/10/10 Not completely sure on the dosage during PCT. I'd rather run both clomid and nolva just to be safe.