Really hoping Dylan chimes in on this one. I've been lurking around this forum for a while and finally gathered enough information and the balls to make a first post.
I read all the info on SARMS and watched the videos and I'm very intrigued by them.
What are everyone's thoughts on this cycle:
(Obviously ordering from sarms1 because of the staggering amount of support behind their company)
1-8wk Ostarine (MK-2866) @25mg/day
1-8wk GW-501516 (Cardarine) @10mg/day
9-12wk Revolution PCT + Pure Test
The abstract goal is to lose body fat while maintaining (even gaining) muscle mass, and gaining strength. Added vascularity would definitely be nice also.
How does this PCT look? I've read that there is little to no shut down with these two SARMs and that PCT isn't a must, which is the only reason I'm considering this PCT, as it is relatively cheap. But obviously I want to run thorough PCT to be safe - so suggestions are welcome.
Also- should I run an AI, Formastanzol, or HCGenerate on cycle? What about D-spark, as it is more cost-effective considering the ingredients. I really don't think it is needed because these do not aromatize, nor cause shut down, but again, I am not positive.
My stats are:
21 years old
+/- 12-13% bf
Squat/Bench/Dead 1RM are 425/345/475 respectively.
My body responds best with low carb diets. So my macros are as follows:
Protein: 300g
Fats: 150-170g
Carbs: <50g
Calories: roughly 2700-3000 for now.
Will probably cut back to roughly 2400 cals and <30g carbs for increased fat loss.
If I am way off on this cycle, please let me know, as I am definitely open for other opinions because I'm new to the world of SARMs.