Looking to add (8 weeks) of OSTA / S4 stack after BEAST/KATA/RSTRANS cycle.
PCT will consist of (4 weeks) of HCGEN/FORMA/AI POST CYCLE
My question is should I start SARMS with PCT or After ?
I have enough HCGEN to last through the SARMS cycle, should I keep taking it ?
Sorry if this has been addressed already, Ive been looking though 100+ pages of this Post and cannot determine if HCGEN is suggested during SARMS, IF It will be used already during PCT. I guess it couldn't hurt.
By the way my goal is to BRIDGE till the New Year to start another AAS Cycle. any other Tips or Recommendations to keep my Gains? After next AAS cycle I will focus more on leaning out.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated !