I am looking to drop some weight before a run a 8 week test/epi cycle. If I ran GW for for 4 weeks would it be ok to go straight into the test/epi cycle? I am also going to run light osta in pct.
Another quick question: I have been on natty test boosters for 7 weeks and forma for 3. Do I need to cut those out or do any mild pct before running the gw or going into the test/epi cycle? Your advice is appreciated!
BF?? Probably around 18% but getting hydrostatic weight soon.
Lifted since age 16. Took some time off and been back lifting hard for 3 months.
In the cupboard: epi, andropen 275, forma, daa, forged pct, Liv52, Athletix Division 1 (SHBG inhibitor)... And growing! (SARMS and HCGenerate are next)