whats your stats? It depends on where your BF% is currently at.
For me I'm usually around 8-10% BF so when I cut I'll take a mild 8mg ed for about 4 weeks but when I wanna drop below 6% I'lll up it to ~16mg ed for about 10 days
I have takin it at a max of 8mg per day liked it a lot more then clen for sure but with any type of fat burner the key is diet you wont see squat if it is not in place.
What were your results with this?
I am very curious because I have been researching, for weeks, a good fat burner to help me lose the last 6-8 pounds(lost 15 already)..and stumbled across an article about albuterol. Would you recommend it versus a cytolean or lipo-6 or EC? If cardio, training and clean diet is in place? I only have a bit left to lose..Bodyfat is not tested yet- I would guess around 15%- could be lower, last check I was at 16-17 and that was months ago before I really started busting my ass!!!!!!!!!
Did you use the UG pills yourself?
I appreciate your feedback, know that you are a frequent and reliable poster here! Thanks!
I just started this week...I take 4mg 2 times a day....so far so good....I read a post before I started and they suggested this amount...the only side effects I have is that my hands are shakey...bought from AG-Guys...great service...hope this helps...
I just started this week...I take 4mg 2 times a day....so far so good....I read a post before I started and they suggested this amount...the only side effects I have is that my hands are shakey...bought from AG-Guys...great service...hope this helps...