Hey guys I know it's been a while since I've reported back but I think it's worth coming back to this thread to give some final input and hopefully help others in my situation.
First of all, I think starting off with SARMs was a great introductory point for me to get comfortable taking supplements that could mess with my hormones. Especially being so screwed up already from the back problem and pain killers and other drugs the doctors were pumping me full of, I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be super sensitive to anabolic/andorgenic compounds and their side effects (hair loss runs in my family too)
I started off in July with Ostarine and Nutrobol along with HCGenerate; I ran that for 4 weeks and got pretty good results, I was getting good pumps and strength gains and was planning to continue with the same stack along with adding some LGD as I had only ordered a months worth at that point. When I got my second package it had Cardarine instead of Ostarine and after speaking to a member on this site decided to go with the Cardine, LGD and Nutrobol stack along with HCGenerate for 8 weeks (total 12 week cycle). I definitely saw some slow improvements to my back over the course of those 3 months; after that i changed SARMs sources and ran another 8 week cycle of only Cardarine and LGD (couldn't get Nutrobol from this source, even though he lead me to believe I could for a few weeks) but I think these SARMs were of much higher quality and I saw a huge improvement in my back and core strength, muscle recovery, physique, etc. and noticed no sides.
As much as these cycles were helping me out I felt that my recovery was still pretty slow so I started doing a lot of research on Anavar-only cycles for people with my exact injuries/"condition"(<fuck that) and people with DDD, loss of bone density, muscle wasting, etc. is pretty much what it's made for. I know a lot of people will say to use a different compound, a different way, with some test, etc. etc. but remember guys I'm 22 and looking to recover from an injury, not get big for the beach (although that seems like it's happening so I won't complain haha). After doing my own research and talking to some older bodybuilders I know who've had similar injuries and seem to have recovered for the most part, I got advice about my situation and a good source for gear for who's a mutual friend that's been willing to help me through my cycle. Having someone sane who knows your environmental factors can be a huge help in deciding whether to take the plunge; I definitely wouldn't be comfortable without personal direction from a trusted source.
I'm 23 days into my oral Anavar-only cycle and I have to say, starting this cycle was the best decision of my life since this injury. My back and neck feel like they've almost recovered fully, I'm putting on a very solid amount of muscle-mass (10lbs up already), losing fat in problem areas, not noticing any sides and most of all recovering like Wolverine compared to naturally or on SARMs.
I'd say starting with SARMs was smart because it gave me the boost to gain strength and work out a little harder - although very lightly - with my condition, and understand where my limits were (THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT). If I had the Anavar boost I have now I could definitely see myself lifting too hard and possibly hurting myself as even now, I can lift more than I know I should be lifting (I.e. lower disc is unstable at certain weights) and have to stop myself. After getting that base of learning where I was with my injury (remember, this was really bad, I was bed ridden or working from home for 8 months, couldn't walk, etc. - other people may not have such a low starting point) and then moving to an Anavar cycle, I can safely say, better than any pain killer, doctor-prescribed therapy, etc. I've been through in the past few years, going with this Anavar 50mg (75mg now)/HCGenerate/N2Guard/N2JointRX stack has been the absolute best decision ever.
Anavar has literally changed my life in the span of 3 weeks, what I thought I may never be able to accomplish, I am achieving with great results with no sides (so far, but I have PCT on hand in case). I still continue with my deep tissue and chiropractic therapy as it's important to ensure spinal health and alignment for people with these types of injuries, but those two in conjunction with taking this Anavar stack, eating a good diet, lifting 5-7x a week (it's important to stimulate your muscles often without overworking them when you're trying to recover from an injury so the scar tissue doesn't turn back into scar tissue; I still incorporate 2 to 4 heavy day per week which I built up to slowly as to not injure any muscles in the process) and supplementing correctly has most definitely been an absolute life-changer for a 22 year old with these back issues. If anyone reading this in the future is thinking about it, first educate yourself thoroughly and understand what you'll be doing to your body, then make the decision, just know, it makes on hell of a difference.
Thanks for all your help guys, and Karateguitar for sharing your experience with Anavar, I definitely feel the same way man! I hope this is able to help someone one day, I don't want to call it a miracle drug but I really didn't think recovering this quickly would be possible, I was ready to commit to being in chronic pain for the rest of my life and that's been changed in the past 6 months from starting SARMs and moving to Anavar.