I am looking to become a personal trainer part time. Will the ACE certification allow me to be hired? And will the ACE study book help me pass the exam?
Good Cert. accepted by most Higher End health clubs, National Academy of Sports Medicine/NASM is who I went through years ago very good but very expensive though.. Good luck Bro.
have you already bought the study book?? If not I think I have it PDF still and practice exams.
Peace, Forged
Good Cert. accepted by most Higher End health clubs, National Academy of Sports Medicine/NASM is who I went through years ago very good but very expensive though.. Good luck Bro.
have you already bought the study book?? If not I think I have it PDF still and practice exams.
Peace, Forged
good luck bro...i wish i could train for a living..i have the knowledge but unfortunately i live in an area where fitness isn't a big emphasis and the demand for trainers is pretty much non exsistant
good luck bro...i wish i could train for a living..i have the knowledge but unfortunately i live in an area where fitness isn't a big emphasis and the demand for trainers is pretty much non exsistant
yea most serious lifters have the knowledge, comes with experience, but I agree that it is an industry that doesnt have a high demand for good trainers. Most trainers hired are the typical d-bag you see that has their clients doing ridiculous uneffective workouts. No wonder why America is obese. But I hope I can make a job out of it.
That sounds sort of general. Do you already know which gym you are going to train at and how many clients you can expect to solidify? If you don't, you should work on that and make sure it's solid. Otherwise, you are just wasting time and money.