There is still much more to learn if he ever decides to open up for us.
I have this idea of who pick3 is but I am sure it is completely different from who he actually is.
I imagine pick3 as a skinny guy, late 20s/early 30s, drives a Yarus, soft spoken in person, a little shy and lacking of confidence but quick witted and highly intelligent. Easy to hang around with as he is rarely rude or confrontational. Privately he surfs a lot of porn and has been known to masturbate to injury. He's had a few relationships but is attracted to domineering women who try to control him too much. He needs firm direction, but doesn't want to live someone else's life.
He's a curious sort who is open to new ideas and respectful of all people.
Again, I am sure this is all wrong and does not accurately reflect him, but its the image I have created.