Wannabe, I really feel your frustration. Often it seems to be the other way around. When I first got married, my wife really didn't want much in the way of sex and I felt it was because I was a lousy lover. I read everything I could and kept trying to improve but things only slowly got better. As time went on, things improved and I now have a wife who wants sex more often than I do (hooray). I believe it was a hormonal problem that she had and after getting things balanced out, her sex drive picked up. It is hard for a man to understand why another man wouldn't want to have a sexual relationship with a woman who would like to have such a relationship, in fact, most men dream of having a woman who wants it often if not all the time. I think he needs to see a doctor and find out if his testoterone level is normal. A good book is "Testosterone syndrome", available at amazon that helps to explain how important testosterone is in the sex drive and other important functions it has. You may have married a nice decent guy but he needs help, you deserve better.