Ooooh Spatts, you just took the words right out of my mouth!! Not only that, but in spite of "how many people believe the FDA's food pyramid is OK. ...", there is still an ENORMOUS discrepancy between what the food pyramid recommends and what most people actually eat. Just like there are millions of religiously devoted people who daily break the rules layed down by their religions (at least you catholics recognize this and have 'confession'). It's all part of the package known as Being Human. We are weak, ignorant and very prone to temptation. Nature has ensured our survival by giving us genes to make sweet, fatty and salty foods particularly pleasureable, and it's not really as easy as teaching people about healthy choices. Some people will always be receptive to education and take knowledge on board to their advantage. The majority will not, and good tasting food (ie junk food) and laziness will always be easier than the healthy option unless you provide direct incentives and disincentives for 'good' and 'bad' behaviour. This is kinda like making people pay a deposit on their coke cans and refunding the deposit upon recycling. So I guess you could enforce a tax on processed foods, but you have such a HUGE amount of money being made in the sale of processed foods.....this is a very large power to reckon with. Think about the likes of McDonald's, Coca Cola etc....losing a large chunk of their sales because of sin taxes! You can betcha there will be more than a little resistance to SteelWeaver's social change, and I don't mean at grass roots level! Stiil, there's no harm in trying.....and every little bit helps. I'm like the rest of you in that my mother raised us using books with titles like "Let's Have Healthy Children". Yet I'm the only one of my siblings who got to my teens and decided right then and there that I WILL NOT under any circumstances end up fat like the rest of my family. My other siblings are now obese. So much for teaching them young