spatterson said:I have never known a woman to have perm. clit growth from that level of test, at that length.
I don't know every woman though.
Well it usually will grow at that dose but everyone is different in their tolerance to androgens. Your not going to get a one inch clit from that dose but expect some permanent growth. Some get lucky and only experience increased vag discharge and some minor acne at that dose but not all are so lucky as test is a pretty strong androgen and its metabolite is the very strongest androgen(DHT)
I had a girl friend back in the early 80's that did 50 of test cyp per week for about 12 weeks and her clit got plenty big and stayed that way. It was about 6mm long and about 4mm wide and looked exactly like a little penis.(we did measure it)
My wife didn't even go for 6 weeks on 50 of prop per week and her clit has not shrink by much...but then again she has only been off for a few weeks.
But really a large clit is noe that big of a deal but permanent facial hair and the voice tone of a man is for most ladies I think.
I had a national level training partner back in the 80's too that did large doses of test and nandrolone and she sounded like a guy...I don't know if she waxed her face though but she did visit my mother who has doing electrolysis at the time.