There are at least 2 5x5 programs that members of elite have done or are currently doing. I'm doing Shadow's 5x5 program (See Below)
Day One
Deadlifts - 1x20
Squats - 5x3
Seated Dumbell Press/Barbell Shoulder Press - 5x5
Seated Calf Raise - 2x20
Day Three
Barbell Row - 5x5
Bench Press - 5x5
Deadlifts - 1x20
Standing Calf Raise - 2x20
Day Five
Barbell/Dumbell Shrugs - 5x5
Barbell Curls/Dumbell Curls - 5x5
Dips - 5x5
Squats - 5x5 (w/ weight from Monday)
I do HIIT on Days 2,4,and 6 (when I can. I'm horrible at getting the cardio done)
I'm in my 4th week and have seen great results. Because I'm a beginner, I started heavy with my weights and have added 5-10lbs per week on my squat, deadlift, and bench exercises. The other program recommends starting light, which I don't think would have helped me at all since the amount of weight I was lifting was pretty light. Shadow's program is easy to follow (i.e., there's no math involved).
Look at both programs (the other is in the weight lifting and weight training forum) or search the internet for other programs and see which one is best for you.