Just came across this site as I was doing a search on StrongLifts. I'm actually doing the program. I was forced to take a layoff from training due to neck surgery and recently got the go ahead to start working out again and continuing with taekwondo. StrongLifts is not a bodybuilding program as mentioned and focuses more on development of strength. More importantly, StrongLifts seems to be geared towards people who are just venturing into the weight training/strength training arena, and works well for guys like me just coming off an injury who want to develop a good foundation of strength to work with. If you look at Mehdi's program, he recommends starting with an empy bar...45 pounds for inexperienced people who have never weight trained and who need to learn how to use proper form. I trained for 30 years with a "bodybuilding style" routine of 8-12 reps, etc. before degenerative disc disease took over and to be honest, I'm wondering why I never started with a program like Stronglifts or Starting Strength. Again, the reason you don't see huge guys on the Stronglifts site is that most are drug free, and again, these pics are mostly of people before they started the 12-week program and after 12 weeks.