sorry bros....
at my buddies.
i got jumped yesterday. held at gunpoint.
we got wasted and all blacked out and i ended up 4 miles away in hoodville by myself.
just sticking to beer tonight.
good lesson to learn again. everything in moderation.
aside from that my one buddy had to go to the hospital because he fell and hit his head drunk.
i also had to stop a fighting from happening between the people across the street and a couple of my buddies frat brothers friends.
a chair was thrown, ect.
thank god i can talk my way out of anything. helped the cops out and made everyone make up.
now i have some good connections across the street of my buddy also.
fucking A, can things actually get worse? lol.
least i'm alive and walking.
i was scared as fuck i could of gotten raped or something last night.
this shit wont happen again....