It's all good, the wife is changeing careers at 40 shes a medical transcriptionist, she does all the radiology here in the town we live in, she's been doin it for 10yrs 8 from home and it's great money. the hospital is going to voice recognition which will phase out her job. So it's back to school to be a nurse...........ahh no more worries about a nursing home for moto he's gonna have his own personal nurse to play with lol I will give ya'll a chance to clean me out. Cane hang in there broham trust me bro I could tell you stories that would probably cheer you up knowin someone else is being tested in it seems every area of life .......finacially , emotionally , physically I'm being drained by stress. Cane i will keep in touch and see if theres a game to host no one else wants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all you guys puddle suck my dirty buttplug lol