puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP May 20, 2009 #12 juniorsamples said: Show me the KARMA!!! Click to expand... He'll settle tomorrow. In the meantime you can have a few thousand of mine.
juniorsamples said: Show me the KARMA!!! Click to expand... He'll settle tomorrow. In the meantime you can have a few thousand of mine.
-Ariel- -Thandzilla- Platinum May 20, 2009 #13 Anthony... He's got game... Damn... Got inspired by Kobe Goin to Work... LOL
hurricane Executive Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator Chairman Member May 20, 2009 #14 hope your father is well .. lakers win but never cover for me
M miplank MVP EF VIP May 20, 2009 #16 fuck! If Gasol could have made a friggin free throw they would've covered. fuck!
J juniorsamples New member May 20, 2009 #17 PuddleMonkey said: He'll settle tomorrow. In the meantime you can have a few thousand of mine. Click to expand... Thanks for the Karma Puddles. I can't believe I was the only one on the Nuggets.
PuddleMonkey said: He'll settle tomorrow. In the meantime you can have a few thousand of mine. Click to expand... Thanks for the Karma Puddles. I can't believe I was the only one on the Nuggets.