jubei Plat Hero Platinum Mar 30, 2003 #11 If all you want to know is what type of cycle you should be taking then here it is: Dbol/Fina/Test.
J JOKER47 Elite Mentor Mar 31, 2003 #12 Genarr and slobberknocker have it right. IMO, You don't need AAS to increase your lifts. You shouldn't use AAS to increase your lifts. Joker
Genarr and slobberknocker have it right. IMO, You don't need AAS to increase your lifts. You shouldn't use AAS to increase your lifts. Joker
D DEEZEL New member Mar 31, 2003 #13 Right now I can bench 275lbs. I want to bench 1000lbs. What would you guys recommend? lol
N nice6pac New member Mar 31, 2003 #14 well i can understand wnating to get stronger but he phrased the question like a fucking moron and i think he is jus trying to get stronger without changing his lifiting routine which in that case make toast in the bathtub
well i can understand wnating to get stronger but he phrased the question like a fucking moron and i think he is jus trying to get stronger without changing his lifiting routine which in that case make toast in the bathtub