they sure will pal.that was a low dosage, short course, so didnt suppress your testes too long.They will come back in no time with HCG or HCGENERATE!
Doing HCG on cycle for too long can cause your leydig cells to build up a resilience to it,its called "hcg induced desensitization" no matter how low the dosage is, you will lose your affinity for it eventually!
Its best to start HCG a few weeks before you come off gear and then let it run a few more weeks in to pct.Some people say to only use HCG on cycle to prep for pct but i find if you finish both HCG and the gear then you are catabolic for a month or less as you're just waiting for your hypothalamus and pituitary gland to kick in again with your estrogen inhibitors and serms.I know a few guys that finished HCG and the cycle at the same time and in the first few weeks of taking AI and serms(while their LH and FSH was very low or non exsitent) their testes shrunk again as the leydig cells didnt have enough stimuation from their natural LH and FSH(even with with clomid at 50-100mgs ed and nolva at 10-20mgs ed,it still takes a few weeks to show any sign of a slight increase in both hormones)! So,to prevent this you can do 2-3 weeks of HCG(or hcgenerate) in the begining of pct aswel,then it will keep you anabolic to some degree while your natural LH and FSH(from the pituitary) build up over the month.I only noticed my testes increasing in size after 3 weeks on HCG,by week 7 they were back to normal(i was on a very long cycle so took this time to respond).I used a testbooster with Hcg to increase stimulation called bulbine natalensis, It worked very well.They put it in the Phytoserms-347 but at a high price!Got mine from amazon for cheap.HCgenerate, you can take it for a good few months on cycle to minimise shutdown as it has Fadogia Agrestis, it is proven to stimulate tes at the leydig cells(like HCG) but i just ran bulbine instead.Dont worry mate,you will be back to normal in a few weeks!