New member
I am finishing my 1st lst cycle here are my stats
Age 26
Weight 13 stone exactly
6 ft
12% bf
The cycle I have just completed was an 8 week course of test prop at 450-500mg per week. Taking 150mg eod. Was taking nolvaq at 25mg eod aswel..
For pct I have clomid 50mg (clomifene citrate) &
HCG 2000 I.u (human chorionic gonadotrophin) that came with 1ml sterile solvent (sodium chloride 0.9%)
Please can somebody help me with dosing will I be ok doing 50/50/25/12.5 with the clomid and .25 of a ml of the hcg eod for a month? Thanks for any help.
Age 26
Weight 13 stone exactly
6 ft
12% bf
The cycle I have just completed was an 8 week course of test prop at 450-500mg per week. Taking 150mg eod. Was taking nolvaq at 25mg eod aswel..
For pct I have clomid 50mg (clomifene citrate) &
HCG 2000 I.u (human chorionic gonadotrophin) that came with 1ml sterile solvent (sodium chloride 0.9%)
Please can somebody help me with dosing will I be ok doing 50/50/25/12.5 with the clomid and .25 of a ml of the hcg eod for a month? Thanks for any help.