hey guys looking for some advice on diet for first cycle, Im 26yo 5'11 170 probably about 12% bf. Ive been eating clean for the past 3 months going through msg withdraw lol. I just started my first cycle of 100mg testosterone propionate and 50 NPP - Nandrolone PhenylPropionate - eod. And yeah yeah, the needle doesnt bother me I kinda like it, plus its pharma testosterone propionate, no pain at all baby. Im just wondering how many calories you all think i should be getting. I eat pretty much just chicken turkey breast tuna oats shakes veggies almonds a little mayo with turkey wrap and thats pretty much it. I do have a fast metabolism but of course about two years ago I started gaining weight in the hard to lose areas the lifesaver of course and i also have a little chest fat on the side which sucks because every where else not bad, especially the legs making gains on quads and hams but forget the calves, I wont give up though. Any advice much appreciated, also I'll get some pics up and post progress. thanks