I was out walking one of the dogs last September. My knee felt tight so I twisted it to make it crack. Bad move. The next day I couldn't even do free-standing squats.
Once I could do squats with the bar again, I was squatting four or five times a week, depending on aches, and adding 2.5Kg to the bar each session for 5x5. Once I reached 80Kg I dropped down to 3x per week and added 5Kg per session.
All I'm left with now is that when I go for a brisk walk the point inner and slightly beneath the kneecap (lower-inner corner) aches and, also, when I squat deep, on coming back up past parallel, the joint moves. It's odd since I don't feel anything on the way down and it's fine if I stop at parallel. Just coming back up from fully-deep I feel a slight movement in the right knee. I might switch to box-squats for a couple of months at this stage. I'm still scared to over-stress it but I'll keep adding to the bar until the aches tell me I'm doing more harm than good. I get the movement even just getting myself up from the floor if I rise from that leg. Maybe it's time to see a doctor.
I've not done reverse-hypers for a while, probably not since I stopped using the gym. I've been meaning to get a couple of planks to lay across the spotter bars in the rack.