VAR is fantastic - particularly when used while cutting - but it sounds like she wants something legal. I've never had any voice change on it though - lol - the compound itself doesn't have anything in it that would cause a deepening voice. Interesting.Whoa this is totally cool to have the ladies adding to the roid forum. Welcome ladies. I don't have much to add other than an excerpt from Author L. Rae's "Chemical Muscle Enhancement" in reference to Anavar (Oxandrolone):
"The drug Oxandrolone was originally manufactured to be used by women to prevent osteoporosis and for children as a cure for stunted growth. The low androgenic quality prevents almost all virilization for women in dosages of 15-mg daily or less. and for the same reason does not cause closure of the epiphysial plates prematurely. An interesting note: Oxandrolone does not suppress any part of the HPTA. This means Oxandrolone by itself will not significantly suppress natural testosterone production. Therefore it was not uncommon for some athletes to report post-cycle HPTA regeneration protocols that included this drug. The result was prominent lean mass retention."
The reason I brought up Anavar is because I know at least one woman that competes and she's used this compound. The only thing I noticed was that her voice changed somewhat. Other than than that, I didn't notice anything. I don't anything about her private area because even though we are cool, we aint that cool. I just spot her heavy lifts lol.
For the guys: this was taken from a book and is not my opinion. With that being said, that is the reason I underlined that part of the excerpt to see what other have to say about it. I know Layinback has used Var quite a bit and might have some info.