puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Dec 22, 2009 #31 I know it's only the 3rd quarter, but you guys can start lining up now with your apologies. Start early and you can beat the rush!
I know it's only the 3rd quarter, but you guys can start lining up now with your apologies. Start early and you can beat the rush!
1500 Battle Tested Chairman Member EF VIP Dec 22, 2009 #32 ^^^ The above message does not apply to me. Please see bowl pick contest for further
hurricane Executive Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator Chairman Member Dec 23, 2009 #33 PuddleMonkey said: I know it's only the 3rd quarter, but you guys can start lining up now with your apologies. Start early and you can beat the rush! Click to expand... i cant when i ask u wats a good reason to take byu and your answer is "because i hate oregon teams" cant do it bro
PuddleMonkey said: I know it's only the 3rd quarter, but you guys can start lining up now with your apologies. Start early and you can beat the rush! Click to expand... i cant when i ask u wats a good reason to take byu and your answer is "because i hate oregon teams" cant do it bro
puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Dec 23, 2009 #34 hurricane said: i cant when i ask u wats a good reason to take byu and your answer is "because i hate oregon teams" cant do it bro Click to expand... Hey I called them overrated, and they are! You don't have to apologize, but I'm still taking my victory lap.
hurricane said: i cant when i ask u wats a good reason to take byu and your answer is "because i hate oregon teams" cant do it bro Click to expand... Hey I called them overrated, and they are! You don't have to apologize, but I'm still taking my victory lap.
hurricane Executive Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator Chairman Member Dec 23, 2009 #35 lol they blew tonight thats for sure .. during the year they had a more impressive scedule and wins then byu though idk what happened tonight .. i think good teams getting stuck in shitty bowls = no motivation
lol they blew tonight thats for sure .. during the year they had a more impressive scedule and wins then byu though idk what happened tonight .. i think good teams getting stuck in shitty bowls = no motivation
redshirt27se New member Dec 23, 2009 #36 redshirt27se said: byu Click to expand... picked it well in advance.. then never bet on it cause i was away from the computer all day long. awesome!!!11111111111
redshirt27se said: byu Click to expand... picked it well in advance.. then never bet on it cause i was away from the computer all day long. awesome!!!11111111111
SouthernLord Elite Moderator Elite Moderator Moderator EF VIP Dec 23, 2009 #37 Puddles Satan Lock FTMFW I'm gonna send you some K for being my lucky charm P-Monkey
puddlemonkey thou shalt not shill EF VIP Dec 23, 2009 #39 SouthernLord said: Puddles Satan Lock FTMFW I'm gonna send you some K for being my lucky charm P-Monkey Click to expand... niiiiice m ambein isin and that pop up box creeped me out! lol
SouthernLord said: Puddles Satan Lock FTMFW I'm gonna send you some K for being my lucky charm P-Monkey Click to expand... niiiiice m ambein isin and that pop up box creeped me out! lol