Again, thank you! The 2 hrs cardio pre-comp are working f'ing wonders for me currently. btw...when NOT getting ready for a competition I only do 30-45 min daily. Do y'all think Var would be better than Winny? Shoulder is feeling soooo much better due to some time off. I just did NO shoulders at all last week and feel about 80% better. Have done Var and Winny and don't really have a personal favorite. Y'all are like the 5th or so to say Var-so I was just wondering. Hubby thinks I respond better to Winny. I didn't see a difference between the 2 myself. Sassy, after your response as to what they are looking for...I swear I was standing in the bathroom naked for 20 minutes trying to stick my ass out so not to have a line. I think diet alone will help that though. I'm ALMOST there. Wish I knew how to do timer on camera so I could take pics and post. Ah well. Thanks again to everyone for the help!