exactly hamstershaver, the public is a bunch of puppets and only consider a teams last game
you cant count a game against a putrid team in the 49ers when trying to handicap the following weeks games
vegas loves puppets
was this a trap line? washington getting 2 1/2 pts? i always handicap games in my head and put the line at nyg -6
why was the line 2 1/2?
was vegas trying to put in the mind of the public that the skins were a better team than we all knew they were? (well if they are only 2 1/2 pt dogs at the meadowlands that must mean they are the better team since the g men get 3 for just suiting up at home), vegas was begging the public to take the skins in this game, that line was a joke
asswhipping, vegas makes out nice in this one if they were able to trap the public into taking the skins
make the line nyg -6 and it sways the public the other way into realizing the giants are the better team, hence vegas gets its ass handed to them
lines are all an illusion, set to sway you in a direction
end of lesson folks